Purchase Order
Purchase New License
Renewal License
Customer ID:
License ID
Purchases of Dongle Type are only permitted through inquiries.
To locate your Dongle Key Number, insert the dongle and launch the DentiqGuide software. Once the software is running, navigate to the Settings menu by clicking the gear icon, then go to General and select Info.
Here, you will find your License Number. Use this number to recharge your credits.
Total: $0.00
Customer Information
Only English, numbers, and special characters can be entered.
*License information will be sent to the written email above.
*License information will be sent to the written email above.
Additional Information (optional)
*Korean Name must be written in Korean.
*Purchasing processing can be done through local partners for efficient service and training.
*For more information about local partners, click here.
*Purchasing processing can be done through local partners for efficient service and training.
*For more information about local partners, click here.
Total: $0.00
Agreement on collection and use of personal information (Mandatory) Read more.
※ If you have not received the license issued email, please check your spam box.
Request Inquiry