3DII won the prize of Director of IITP(Institute for Information & Communications Technology Promotion).
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[새로운SW][신SW상품대상]쓰리디산업영상, ‘덴티큐 가이드 1.0(DentiqGuide)’
쓰리디산업영상(대표 김규년)은 3차원 CT 영상과 3차원 구강스캔(모델 스캔) 영상 기반 환자 맞춤형 임플란트 식립 가이드 솔루션 ‘덴티큐 가이드 1.0(DentiqGuide)’를 소개했다. 덴티큐 가이드1.0은 치과용 CT 진단 분석 프로그램 ‘Dentiq3D’ 기반 기술로 만들었다. 쓰리디산업영상은 턱 골격구조, 상악동 위치, 빠진 치아 부위 분석·진단 솔루션을 개발한다. 임플란트 수술 가이드를 설계하고 3D 프린터로 가이드를 출력한다. 단계별 진단뿐 아니라 크라운 위치 …
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Attended Vancouver PDC2018 with E.D.I.
This conference was held in Vancouver. One of our local Distributor, EDI displayed DentiqGuide. They are becoming solution sales company with 3D Printer, Dental Scanner, Exo-cad and DentiqGuide.
Attended Dubai AEEDC2018
This conference was held in Dubai. It was great to promote DentiqGuide and our Partner`s Surgical Guide Kits in the Middle East.
Selected as the K-Global 300 by the Minister of MSIP
3DII was selected as the K-Global 300 by the Minister of MSIP.
Signed M.O.U with R&DB Platform in SNUDH(Seoul National University Dental Hospital) for Cloud system
3DII and SNUDH signed M.O.U. for developing dental imaging cloud system.
Sales and CS team training in Samsunvina for DentiqGuide
DentiqGuide training for Customer Service and Sales Team.
Dr.Diem meeting in Vietnam, Saigon(Hochiminh)
He is one of great Dentist for Implant guide Solution in Saigon(Hochiminh). 3DII Dental sales team manager, Mr. Song was visiting his clinic and training center.
Attended Vietnam ICOI(HSDI) with Samsunvina
Samsunvina make reservation booth in ICOI(HSDI). Dentiq-Guide was displayed by them.
Presentation in SNUDH(Seoul National University Dental Hospital) Seminar
DentiqGuide overview by Boram Kang from 3DII at SNUDH. ☞ Click for watching video