Even under COVID-19 pandemic, 3DII boldly attended the biggest dental fair-IDS2021 in order to expand in the European market. At the exhibition, Dentiq Solution attracted many visitors, showing many interests in DentiqGuide-implant planning software, DentiqAir – anti-snoring device and anti-bruxism device design software, DentiqAbut, DentiqCAD, Dentiq3D – CBCT viewer as well as DentiqLink – interdisciplinary …
Category Archives: NEWS
3DII to launch new solutions at IDS 2021
3DII will be exhibiting at the IDS (International Dental Show) 2021 in Cologne, Germany.DentiqGuide, a guide design software, received favorable reviews at the 2019 show.In 2021, we plan to introduce DentiqAbut, an Abutment design software, and DentiqLink, a cloud-based global dental service platform.We look forward to your interest and visit (3DII booth is located in …
Signed the Industry-Academic Cooperation Agreement with the Catholic University of Pusan
The Catholic University of Pusan recently signed a business agreement with 3D Industrial Imaging Co., Ltd. (CEO Kyu-Nyeon Kim) at the university headquarters and received a donation of 100 million won worth of 3D imaging softwares for education of dental engineering students. Through this agreement, the Department of Dental Technology at the Catholic University of …
Agreement with SNU School of Dentistry on Supply & Support of dental 3D Imaging S/W
3DII signed an agreement with Seoul National University School of Dentistry on October 16 to provide and support dental 3D imaging software such as DentiqGuide for free for the development of dentistry. Through this agreement, 3DII agreed to strengthen mutual cooperation in dental imaging software based education for dentists and students.
The consortium including 3DII was selected as the executing organization of the national R&D project
3DII will participate in the largest scale national R&D project selected by Korea Medical Device Development Fund over the next 5 years. With the aim of developing market-friendly products to global competitiveness, this project named as “Human oriented smart chairside K dental Solution“ will be conducted with Seoul National University School of Dentistry, top-level dental …
DentiqAir won the prize of the Minister (Ministry of Science and ICT) at Korea ImpaCT-ech.
DentiqAir won the prize of the Minister (Ministry of Science and ICT) at Korea ImpaCT-ech.
[우수성과][쓰리디산업영상] 치아 질환, 편하고 저렴하게 치료하세요
건강하게 오래 살기 위해 꼭 챙겨야 할 것 중 하나가 바로 치아 건강이다. 그러나 치아는 관리하기 어려울 뿐 아니라 한번 상하면 되돌리기 힘들다. 게다가 치과 치료는 날카로운 고통과 귀를 울리는 드릴 소리 때문에 공포스럽다. 비싼 치료비도 치료를 미루는 요인 중 하나다. 이런 치아 질환을 편하고 저렴하게 치료할 수 있다면 어떨까? 쓰리디산업영상이 수년간의 연구 끝에 그 …
Attended “Greater New York Dental Meeting 2019” in New York, USA
3DII attended “Greater New York Dental Meeting 2019” in New York, USA.The latest version of DentiqGuide and DentiqAir were introduced in the exhibition.
DentiqGuide won the grand prize of Korea software from the Prime Minister
DentiqGuide won the grand prize of software from the Prime Minister.
Attended 2019 Korean Academy of Stomatognathic Function and Occlusion.
3DII attended 2019 Korean Academy of Stomatognathic Function and Occlusion in October, 2019